overlay one PDF over a processing PDF. If the overlay PDF has less pages than to processing PDF, then the overlay PDF gets repeated.
This container is provided by calibrate. In a later version, clients can create their own container. Files in that container get deleted by calibrate after 24 hours.
"result": {
"files": {
"overlayFile": [
"container": "overlays",
"name": "myOverlay.pdf",
"type": "application/pdf",
"field": "overlayFile",
"size": 1499875
"fields": {}
"name": "PortalTask",
"description": "Generated by JobTicketService",
"callback": {
"url": "http://services_1.calibrate.at:1880/callback"
"resources": [
"resourceId": "inputfile",
"uri": "https://calibrateflow-demo.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/Testfiles/Word_Magazine.pdf",
"direction": "input",
"usage": "original"
"processes": [
"processId": "portalPreflight",
"name": "profile",
"priority": 100,
"children": [],
"resourceRefs": [
"data": {
"arguments": [
"language": "de"
"variables": [
{"VAR_ovelayPdf_path": "/root/data/storage/overlays/myOverlay.pdf"}
"id": "portalPreflight",
"reports": [
"type": "XML"
"type": "XSLT",
"templatePath": {
"base": "$common",
"name": "Reports/pi4_2_json.xslt"
"name": "$originalName.json"
"type": "TEMPLATE",
"templatePath": {
"base": "$common",
"name": "Reports/Overview_STD_calibrate"
"name": "$originalName_Übersicht.pdf"
"profilePath": {
"base": "$common",
"name": "Profiles/overlayPDF.kfpx"