radixPreflight requires a JSON ticket when processing PDF files. radixPreflight comes with a set of predefined set of ticket templates that can either get used directly or by reference. When used by reference, all of the tickets properties get inherited and can be overwritten as required. The concept is similar to CSS stylesheets or working with styles in layout applications.
Example of a simple ticket
"id": "minimalPreflightTicket",
"type": "custom",
"name": "Basic checks",
"comment": "created 230818",
"base": [
"global": {
"scalingFactor": 1,
"viewingDistance": 1,
"unit": "in",
"language": "en"
This ticket is using all checks defined in the template called basic_quality_checks
. Furthermore, english descriptins will get used and the reported unites are in inch.
Schema: http://storage.calibrate.at/public/schemas/cmp/templates_schema.json
this object allows to defined global requirements like the PDF standard to use or if this PDF is spected to be prepared in a given scaling factor.
this object defines are required functions that shall be performed like if and how to scale a PDF to the required format
this obejcts is used to define more expliziet requirements of a print product. When defined, the defiend values get used as required values like dimension or number of separations