The result of callas pdfToolbox running a .kfpx file is an XML file using a name space pi4
information about the pdf can be found in the node
Here you finde info for
information about the pdf can be found in the node
Here you finde info for
information about the pdf can be found in the node
Here you finde info for
each rule hit or fixup has an id attribute. With the value of that attribute, the name, the description and the custom_id can get queried using the following XPATH:
<hits rule_id="RUL157" severity="Warning">
<hit type="Fill" page="PAG1" llx="0.091" lly="70.866" urx="70.957" ury="141.732">
<gstate miter_limit="10.0" stroke_adjustment="1" flatness_tolerance="1.0" smoothness_tolerance="0.0" overprint_mode="1" overprint_for_stroke="0" overprint_for_fill="0" fill_colorspace="CS1" fill_colorant_values="1.0"/>
<trigger condition_id="CND5">PANTONE P 34-16 C</trigger>
<trigger condition_id="CND4">trifft zu</trigger>
<trigger condition_id="CND3">trifft nicht zu</trigger>
defines the error level of a check
defines the result state of a fixup
for some fixups, additional information is available
information of the defined checks, fixups and fixups executed per sequence steps can be found here
Here you finde info for
<fixup fixup_id="FIX1" creator_id="Fca4f859ee316e58fe4dc5e4d6f2165b0" custom_id="applyRotation">
<display_name>Rotationsfaktor anwenden.</display_name>
<display_comment>Das PDF hatte einen definierten Rotationsfaktor. D.h. das PDF wurde z.B. hoch definiert, jedoch quer dargestellt. Die Verwendung des Faktors kann bei der Ausgabe dazu führen, dass das Motiv gedreht ist. Der definierte Rotationsfaktor wurde daher auf die PDF Datei angewandt.</display_comment>